Gymnasium Waiver



I agree to the following terms and conditions set forth by the Recreation Department. I understand that failure to comply with the following conditions may result in me losing my privileges and access to the Gymnasium and Weight Room at CNC either temporarily or permanently.

Please check the following guidelines to indicate that you understand and will comply with CNC Recreation rules.

I agree to wear closed-toed sneakers. Dress shoes, slippers, sandals and bare feet are not permitted.

I agree to wear light-soled shoes. Dark and black soled shoes are not permitted in the gymnasium as they damage the gymnasium floor.

I will sign out gym equipment under my name and will provide my CNC student ID to sign out any gym equipment.

I'm responsible for the gym equipment that I sign-out and will not give equipment signed out under my name to other gym users.

I will report any damage to or loss of equipment to staff immediately.

I'm responsible for returning equipment in the same condition it was provided to me.

I agree to pay the fees required to replace damaged or lost equipment. Replacement fees will be based on current market rates and will be charged to my CNC account.

I will line up at the Recreation desk to sign-in and sign-out equipment and understand that I must wait my turn when returning equipment.

I understand that the CNC Recreation Team is here to ensure student safety and enjoyment of the gymnasium. As necessary, the Recreation Team may provide direction to gym users to ensure safety. I agree to follow direction provided by the Recreation Team (Recreation Assistants, Recreation Supervisor and Student Life and Housing Supervisor).

I agree to treat gym-users and the Recreation Team with dignity and respect. Harassment and disorderly behavior will not be tolerated.

I understand that lockers are day-use only and that the Recreation Team will remove locks from any lockers left overnight.

Items left in lockers are left at the gym user’s own risk. The College of New Caledonia is not responsible for missing items.

I understand that phone use is not permitted in the gymnasium at any time.

I declare that I have read and agreed to the terms above.