Submit an Event

Essential Details

Choose a title that clearly indicates what is happening at the event. Assume that the reader has no context for this event.
Please include a starting date and time and an ending date and time. If the event is recurring, specify the start/end times of the first occurrence and then specify the frequency. Please include the date of the last occurrence of the event.
Please specify room number or name, as well as which campus. If this is an online event, include the meeting link or registration link here.
Your first and last name
Email of the person making this request
Who is this event for? (Check all that apply)

Describe the event. What will be occurring during this time? What kind of person might be interested in this event? Are there things that attendees should do to prepare for the event?

Additional Information

If someone has questions about this event, who should they contact?
Event Imagery
If you have an image that should accompany the event, you may upload it here. Please use photos without text on them where possible. Images will be vetted for quality assurance.