Reconciliation Initiatives

CNC is dedicated to upholding Indigenous rights, supporting Aboriginal student success, and addressing issues facing Aboriginal communities. With a deep commitment to reconciliation, we are continuously working on strengthening our relationship with the Aboriginal Peoples in the region and across 22 First Nations and Aboriginal communities that welcome those seeking knowledge on their traditional territories.  


Indigenization is a reflective journey.  We travel this road together in the pursuit of incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing, and relating into the educational and social structures of the College.

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Strategic Plan

lhulh whuts’odutel’eh – Learning Together 

The 2021- 2026 strategic plan is the culmination of the passion and support of many who see a strong and vibrant future for CNC. 

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Aboriginal Student Success

CNC provides support services to promote the success of Aboriginal students, recognizing their unique needs and strengths.  

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Moose Hide Campaign – May 16

Violence is unacceptable and preventable in Canada. Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people are victims of gender-based violence at a much higher rate than non-Indigenous people. You are encouraged to take action to end gender-based violence in Canada.  

In 2011, father-daughter duo, Raven and Paul Lacerte, members of the Lake Babine First Nation and Nadleh Whut'en Band respectively, were motivated to begin the Moose Hide Campaign during their yearly moose-hunt.  This hunt occurred on their ancestral land along the Highway of Tears, a stretch of Highway 16 between Prince George and Prince Rupert where numerous Indigenous women have tragically disappeared or been killed. Wearing the moose hide pin represents a dedication to honoring, respecting, and safeguarding women and children from gender-based and domestic violence. The pin serves as a symbol of unity, empathy, and support for those affected by violence. 

Moose Hide Campaign Day takes place in May each year and is an opportunity to listen to Indigenous voices, honor victims and their families, and take action against gender-based violence.  


Learn more about the Moose Hide Campaign


1 in 2 
Half of all women in Canada have experiences a least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16 
3x Higher  

Spousal violence of Indigenous women is three times higher than non-Indigenous women  

Every 2.5 Days

A women or girl is murdered every two and a half days in Canada 

6x Higher

Indigenous women are killed at six times the rate of non-Indigenous women


Statistics provided by the Moose Hide Campaign

Take the Moose Hide Pledge 

Moose Hide Pins Canada Map

Taking the Moose Hide pledge involves wearing a symbolic pin as a commitment to honor, protect, and speak out against gender-based and domestic violence, fostering a culture of respect and solidarity. CNC is currently in the process toward becoming a Moose Hide Ambassador Campus.  

Upcoming Events

Red Dress Day and MMIWG2S – May 5

May 5th is known as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People, or Red Dress Day. Red Dress Day was created in response to the staggering number of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people. The origin of Red Dress Day is linked to the impactful art initiative by Canadian Métis artist Jaime Black. In 2010, Black launched the “REDress Project” to draw attention to the alarming number of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada. She displayed red dresses in various public locations, from trees to lamp posts, creating a poignant visual that highlighted both grief and strength. 

Initially an art exhibit, the REDress Project evolved into a broader movement. Indigenous communities, along with their supporters, adopted the red dress as a powerful symbol for raising awareness and calling for action. Red Dress Day became an annual observance, uniting people to commemorate the lives lost, demand justice for the victims, and support their families. On this day, communities gather to remember those who are missing or have been murdered, push for systemic change, and offer solidarity to those affected by this ongoing crisis. 

Red Dress Day - MMIWG2S



Every child matters bands

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30 

Held annually on September 30th, students, staff and faculty are encouraged to wear orange as a visual commitment towards reconciliation. The day commemorates the history and legacy of the residential school system, honouring survivors, their families, and the children who never came home.  

Residential school survivor, Phyllis Webstad founded Orange Shirt Day in 2012. She shared her story of her first day at residential school at age six, when her new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother, was taken from her.  

In 2023, Orange Shirt Day became nationally recognized as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.


National Day for Truth & Reconciliation at CNC

Learn about the Orange Shirt Society

Resources and Support

Reconciliation initiatives resources

  • REES

  • Campus Security & First Aid

  • Sexual Misconduct

  • Wellness Coaching and Counselling

  • Supports for Aboriginal Students

  • Community Supports