Counselling and Wellness

Maintaining your mental and emotional health is important to academic success and personal wellbeing. CNC Student Services' Counselling and Wellness is here to support you in reaching your goals.

Booking an Appointment

Counselling is available for students at the Vanderhoof Campus on Tuesdays. To schedule an appointment, please call the campus front desk.

Wellness Programs


Art Relationship Therapy

Research shows creating art reduces stress hormones, helps build community and improves mood. Thanks to a grant from the Health Arts Research Centre, we are able to offer weekly art workshops in Vanderhoof. Art supplies are included. No previous art experience necessary!  To allow us to follow COVID-19 social distancing precautions, participants must pre-register.  Registration is limited to 8 participants.  Social distancing, hand sanitizing, and a face mask covering nose, mouth and chin are required.

To pre-register, please call 250-567-3200.

Resuming January 12, 2021.

Time: Tuesdays 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: New Vanderhoof Campus

Cost: Free to CNC students; community member’s suggested donation is $5.00 per workshop.

Yoga for Wellness

Yoga for students has been shown to reduce stress, help with clarity of thought and improves memory. Restorative Yoga helps the practitioner to find mental and physical balance. It is helpful for preventing and helping recovery from physical and mental illness. Restorative yoga is suited to beginners and those wanting a deeply restful practice. If you have any health concerns, please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. For more information, contact your local campus, watch the CNC (Nechako) Facebook page or look for posters in the building. To allow us to follow COVID-19 social distancing precautions, participants must pre-register.  Registration is limited to 5 participants.  Social distancing, hand sanitizing, and a face mask covering nose, mouth and chin are required.  Participants must come in their yoga clothing as changing on site is not permitted.

To register please call the campus front desk 250-567-3200.

Time: Tuesdays 12:10 - 12:50pm

Location: New Vanderhoof Campus

Cost: Free to CNC students; community member’s suggested donation is $5.00 per workshop (co-sponsored by Vanderhoof Community Foundation).

Yoga for Wellness Waiver

Tobacco Reduction Program

The College of New Caledonia (Nechako) can offer a five-session program to reduce tobacco use, based on the University of Massachusetts model. The qualified facilitator will help participants build coping skills, review the possible use of tobacco reduction medications, set up a healthy plan for quitting/reducing tobacco use, and provide therapeutic guidance, all in a supportive group environment.

For more information please fill out an interest form.