Privacy Statement

The College of New Caledonia (CNC) respects the privacy of personal information and strives to maintain the public’s trust through transparency and accountability in its use of personal information. Personal information is information which can be used to distinguish, identify, or contact an individual specifically and which is not publicly available.

This website exists to benefit the CNC community, its supporters, and the public. Use is free and anonymous except where sign-in is required. If you choose to send us personal information you consent to its collection and use by CNC.

The personal information you provide may be used by CNC to correspond with you, for registration, to process a donation, for surveys, and for other purposes that are consistent with the purpose for which the information was provided. CNC will not disclose personal information you provide to any other third party without your permission unless required to do so by law. All personal information is protected in accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

The Site uses analytics tools to help analyze how the Site is used and to improve visitors’ online experience. These tools capture a limited amount of data, including the internet protocol (“IP”) address of the computer, device or network being used to access the pages. This data is used for aggregate reporting purposes. None of this data can be used by CNC or the service provider to identify you.

The Site also uses remarketing tools which enable CNC or other entities to serve you with relevant information or advertisements outside of the CNC domain. These include cookies (small files stored on your computer’s web browser which you can disable by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser) and pixel tracking to identify how various web pages are accessed, again with no personal information being collected.

Our password protocols and encryption software are routinely updated to maximize protection of personal and other information. While we strive to protect personal information, please note that no Internet data transmission is completely secure.

This Website Privacy Statement is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect our practices. If you have any questions please contact CNC’s Communications Department or Freedom of Information Officer.