Dental Program Naming Opportunities

The spaces our students use are directly linked to their educational successes. By naming a lab, classroom or clinical space, your gift will support students training to meet the needs of patient and dental offices across northern British Columbia. 

There are 30 spaces to be named, ranging from $10,000 to $250,000. Take part in these unique opportunities with a single donation or through an amount donated over time. 

Your gift to the CNC Dental Assisting Program 50th Anniversary fundraising campaign is an opportunity to shape and support the learning environment of CNC students. All named spaces will included publicly displayed donor signage. 

A named financial donation provides a significant and tangible impact. In naming one of our dental spaces you also create a living symbol of your commitment to student learning and growth, to be celebrated for many years to come. 

For information on these and other exciting opportunities please contact

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