Health and Wellness Centre

CNC students will find a comprehensive range of services at the Health & Wellness Centre, located on the main floor, via the Dental Wing. If you do not have a family doctor, or if you require non-urgent care, the nurse practitioner or doctor is available to see you. 

Check out the schedule and either walk in or book an appointment. Services provided include the following:

  • Prescription refills
  • Referral to other healthcare services
  • Wart removal
  • Well Woman exams (PAP, STI, HIV testing)
  • IUD insertions
  • Chronic disease management
  • Counselling

Clinic Hours 

Administrative staff are available Monday through Friday from 9am - 4pm.

Medical appointments are by booked appointment only.

Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

* The clinic is closed from 12:00pm - 1:00pm for lunch.

If you have BC health coverage (MSP), you can also access medical care at no charge at the following :

  • Northern Health Virtual Line
  • TIA Health website:
  • Babylon Health phone app
    Telus Health MyCare
  • Nechako Medical Clinic
    1600 15th Ave, Parkwood Place for in-person care
    250-645-6912 for virtual care
  • Salveo Medical Clinic
    2155 Ferry Avenue, Superstore for in-person care 

Counselling Hours

Counselling appointments are by booked appointment only.. 

Monday - Friday from 9am - 4pm

* The clinic is closed from 12:00pm - 1:00pm for lunch

811 Health Services

811 is a free, confidential health information and advice service available 24/7 in British Columbia. Students can call 811 from any phone to speak with a registered nurse about symptoms, receive guidance on non-emergency medical concerns, and access information on local health resources. The service also connects callers with dietitians, pharmacists, and mental health professionals for specialized support.

How to Dial

  • From a BC phone number: Simply dial 811.
  • From an out-of-province or VoIP number: Call 1-604-215-8110.
  • For hearing-impaired services: Dial 711 for TTY assistance.

Translation services are available in multiple languages to ensure accessibility for all.

Booking an Appointment

To book an appointment at the Health and Wellness Centre please call +1 250-561-5875 or email


Counsellor appointments fall within the operational hours of the Wellness Centre from Monday to Friday.


There is no charge for registered CNC students who are covered by BC Medical. The Centre is a partnership between the College of New Caledonia, and the Northern Health Authority; your BC Medical Care Card number will be required for you to be able to receive services.