In the event of an emergency

In the event of an emergency requiring police, fire, or ambulance, dial 911 immediately.

Animals on Campus

Learn about the Animals on Campus policy and register any animals that need to be in CNC's indoor spaces.


Reporting Sexual Violence On Campus

REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) helps us provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. Create a record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). Access resources such as sexual assault centers, healthcare, and support services.    

Select CNC from the drop-down list.  Sexual Violence Reporting Tool 

Safety on Campus

Prince George Campus

Security and First Aid are available on campus 7 days/ week 24 hours/ day. Learn about preventative safety measures and resources available to students, staff and faculty on campus.

Learn More

Burns Lake Campus

Security & First Aid are available daily from 9am- 8pm. Unsafe conditions should be reported to the front office or to one of these numbers as soon as possible:

9am to 4pm 250-692-6840
4pm to 8pm 250-692-6731

Students must comply with WorkSafe BC safety regulations as outlined on the web at WorkSafe BC.

Fort St. James Campus

Campus Emergency Procedures and Emergency telephone numbers are posted in each room of the Fort St. James Campus. First Aid Attendants are on site Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:00pm

Mackenzie Campus

Security and First Aid are available from Monday to Friday from 8:30am- 4:30pm.

Contact: +1-250-997-7200
Toll Free: +1-877-997-4333 

Quesnel Campus

Security and First Aid are available Monday to Friday from 7:30am- 9:30pm, and on Saturday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Contact: +1-250-255-4685

Vanderhoof Campus

Campus Emergency Procedures and Emergency telephone numbers are posted in each room of the Vanderhoof Campus. First Aid Attendants are on site Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 4:00pm

Emergency Procedures

Be prepared in case of an emergency. Here, you will find evacuation procedures, medical and first aid resources, and tools for reporting a hazard or an incident.

Emergency Procedures

Campus Maps

Get familiar with your campus map and know where to locate exits and safety resources.

Campus Maps

Policies and Procedures

Bylaws relating to the conduct of the affairs of the College of New Caledonia are approved by resolution of the College Board of Governors and can be found in the College Board Bylaw Handbook.

Policies and Procedures

News & Media

  • Fort St. James
  • Prince George
  • Vanderhoof
  • Quesnel
  • Mackenzie
  • Burns Lake
Mar 11
  • Vanderhoof
  • Quesnel
  • Prince George
  • Mackenzie
  • Fort St. James
  • Burns Lake
Mar 11
  • Quesnel
  • Vanderhoof
  • Prince George
  • Mackenzie
  • Fort St. James
  • Burns Lake
Mar 11

Security & First Aid

Prince George

24 Hrs/ Day, 7 days/ week

Tel: +1 250-562-2131 ext. 200
Tel: +1 250-561-5827 (After Hours)

Burns Lake

Monday- Friday: 9:00am- 8:00pm

Tel: +1-250-692-6840 (9:00am- 4:00pm)
Tel: +1-250-251-0469 (4:00pm- 8:00pm)

Fort St. James

Monday- Friday: 8:30am- 4:00pm

Tel: +1-250-996-7019
TF: +1-800-371-8111 ext. 7101 


Monday- Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm

Tel: +1-250-997-7200
TF: +1-877-997-4333 


Monday- Friday: 7:30am- 9:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am- 4:30pm

Tel: +1-250-255-4685


Monday- Friday: 8:30am- 4:00pm

Tel: +1-250-567-3200
TF: +1-877-567-3270