Accessibility at CNC

We want everyone at the College of New Caledonia (CNC) to feel welcome and able to use our campus and services, no matter their abilities. To do this, we're working on making CNC more accessible.

We know that this is an ongoing process, and we need to keep improving. We're going to listen to people with different abilities and others in our community. We believe that everyone in our college has a role to play in making CNC accessible.

To make sure we're doing things right, CNC has formed groups called Accessibility Committees. These groups help us put our plan for accessibility into action. As we work on this, we'll be asking for feedback from our college community.

Report an Accessibility Barrier

Have you found a place where we can offer better accessibility at CNC? Let us know here.

Feedback on Accessibility at CNC 

Accessibility Committees  

To steer the work in accessibility and to meet the Accessible British Columbia Act requirements, CNC has two committees.

Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC)

Half of this committee's members are people with disabilities and those representing disability organizations. Other members include Indigenous members and members who represent the diversity of British Columbia. The AAC shares advice, reviews our plans, and helps connect the college to the broader disability community.

Accessibility Steering Committee  (ASC)

This group includes senior leaders from across the college to make sure we're on the right path with our accessibility efforts. The ASC works closely with the AAC, setting goals and monitoring the college’s progress.

CNC's Accessibility Plan 2023 - 2024

The College of New Caledonia is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible environment for all members of the college community. As part of our ongoing efforts to promote accessibility, we have developed an Accessibility Plan to guide a coordinated approach to planning for accessibility across all six CNC campuses. This plan outlines the College’s intention to evaluate and understand the current state of accessibility, engage stakeholders, and to reduce barriers to access CNC’s facilities, services, and information. 

Download and Read CNC's Accessibility Plan CNC Accessibility Plan 2023-24

Evaluation & Understanding

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the current state of accessibility across our institution, we will undertake the following actions:

  • Accessibility Audit: Conduct an accessibility audit of facilities to identify physical barriers and accessibility gaps.
  • Digital Accessibility Review: Assess the accessibility of CNC’s digital resources.
  • Policy and Procedure Analysis: Review existing policies and procedures to identify areas where accessibility can be improved.

Engaging Stakeholders

We recognize the importance of involving stakeholders with disabilities in our accessibility planning process. We will engage with the following groups to understand their experiences, concerns, and suggestions:

  • Accessibility Services: Collaborate with Accessibility Services to gather feedback and insights from students with disabilities, ensuring their voices are heard in shaping our accessibility initiatives.
  • Faculty and Staff: Seek input from faculty and staff members who have expertise in accessibility or who have disabilities themselves.
  • Disability Advocacy and Support Organizations: Through the Accessibility Advisory Committee, engage with local disability advocacy and support organizations to gain broader perspectives and insights into best practices for accessibility education.
Through this Accessibility Plan, CNC is taking proactive steps to evaluate the current state of accessibility, engage stakeholders, and reaffirm our commitment to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities. By prioritizing accessibility, we will create an environment where all members of the college community can thrive, learn, and succeed. Together, we will build an inclusive future for everyone.