Become a Peer Connector

Experienced students can volunteer to act as guides and support to help new students get connected to campus, meet new people and form meaningful, supportive relationships.

Volunteer as a Peer Connector to:

  • Gain valuable leadership experience
  • Build your resume with volunteer hours
  • Make new friends from diverse backgrounds
  • Get involved in student engagement events and activities
  • Strengthen your sense of purpose
  • Contribute to the betterment of your community

Applicant Information


I am a(n)

Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal?

If yes, please select one of these options that best describes your Aboriginal identity.

Contact Information

Academic Information



Please complete a reference form and submit it to You will also receive instructions and the link to the form in an email after submitting.  

How did you hear about this opportunity?

This information is collected by the College of New Caledonia under section 26(c) of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for account creation, administration, and account management, and to determine appropriate mentoring matches for the Mentor City program.

The College of New Caledonia may also use your personal data to gain insights about your needs and to evaluate the effectiveness of the mentoring program. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information please contact Gail Little, Manager of Student Success and Retention at or 250-562-2131.