Our Current Status

Last Updated: September 2nd, 2021

Campus Guidelines

  • Stay home and seek medical advice if you don’t feel well. CNC’s academic concessions policy will give students the means to work with instructors to make up time lost for an absence related to illness (among others).
  • Be up to date with your vaccinations. Please visit Immunize BC to learn more or speak with a trusted care provider.
  • The decision to wear a mask is yours.
  • Please clean your hands well and regularly to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Tend to your mental health and wellness. For personal support, students may visit wellness coaching and counselling at the college or the BC Government’s Here2Talk support line and app. Staff may visit CNC’s employee and family assistance program page via Homewood Health or call 1-800-663-1142.

Latest Update

COVID-19 Update 3
  • Mackenzie
  • Quesnel
  • Vanderhoof
  • Fort St. James
  • Prince George
  • Burns Lake
Jan 19


We recommend immunization for all students, as authorized vaccines have proven to be highly effective at reducing serious outcomes from the COVID-19 virus.

Physical Distancing

While no single layer of protection against COVID-19 is perfect, when multiple layers of protection are combined, the risk of transmission is significantly reduced. Where possible, maintain distance from others.

Health Checks

Completing daily self-administered health checks, staying at home when sick, and practicing hand hygiene will help to reduce the spread.


Face coverings are strongly recommended in indoor spaces. Please be mindful of the comfort level and health needs of those around you.

Educational Delivery

Program and Course Delivery

Programs and courses are primarily delivered on-campus with student learning accommodations and support available. If a class starts online, it will remain that way for the full semester. 

Technology Requirements

With some classes in digital or hybrid formats, you may require computer equipment to participate in classes. Some programs or courses may have more specific equipment requirements.

Additional Resources

Health & Safety

For more information about Health & Safety on campus, please visit the Health and Safety page.

More Info

Financial Assistance

If you need financial assistance due to the pandemic, there are a number of options to consider to help fund your education.

More Info

Protecting your Mental Health

It's important to stay connected to your support networks and pay special attention to your mental health during the pandemic. Here are some resources to help.