Dental Services

The CNC dental clinic runs from September through May. Patients are seen throughout the school year by the Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students. Clinic times vary each semester depending on course scheduling. The clinic is not open on weekends. Adult patients are seen throughout the September-to-May school year and children are seen mainly in April and May.

Fees & Services

The following are the services that the clinic provides, the clinic does not provide any restorative services.

Adults (cleaning and x-rays)

Children (cleaning and x-rays-18 and under)



Adults (cleaning and x-rays)


Children (cleaning and x-rays-18 and under)


Single Procedures:

Fissure Sealants







Study Models



Sports Guards



Fissure Sealants






Study Models


Sports Guards


Payment Methods

Cash, interac, personal cheques (made out to CNC), Visa, and MasterCard

Communicable Disease Safety

The top priority of CNC’s dental clinic is to provide a safe experience for everyone. We have developed a safety plan to protect the health and safety of patients. We ask for your help in following these rules for your safety, and that of fellow patients, students and instructors. 

Dental patients are asked to:

  • Complete a patient screening one day prior to attending the clinic
  • Complete a patient screening upon arrival, but before entering the clinic
  • Sanitize your hands upon entry to the clinic

Patient Duties

Our clinic patients are very appreciated and valued as it does require a significant time commitment to become a patient here. The students need reliable, committed patients in order to fulfill their requirements for graduation.

  • A cleaning will take several appointments depending on the degree of difficulty and appointments can be between one to three hours long.
  • Parking is provided for our patients if they park in our dental parking lot and provide us with their name and license plate number.
  • We ask that patients arrive on time for their appointments and pay the nominal fee at the first appointment.
  • 48 hour notice is required if a patient needs to change or cancel their appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dentistry Services FAQ

  • What is included in the price?

  • Can I see any student I want?

  • How long will it take to get my work completed?

  • Can I get other dental work, such as a filling or dentures, done at the school, too?

  • Where do I go?

  • How do I know I’ll receive the best care?

  • Where do I park?

  • Can I take the bus?

  • Will I see a dental hygiene or dental assisting student?