Recreation Waiver

What do you identify as?

Recreation User Agreement


I agree to the following terms and conditions set forth by the Recreation Department. I understand that failure to comply with the following conditions may result in me losing my privileges and access to the Gymnasium and Weight Room at CNC either temporarily or permanently.

Please check the following guidelines to indicate that you understand and will comply with CNC Recreation rules.

I agree to always fob into the gym and weight room

I agree to not share my weight room and gym fob with another student. If caught sharing my card, I understand I will be restricted for the rest of the semester.

I agree to not let other students in with my fob. This includes ensuring that no one is entering behind me. I understand that I will be restricted for the rest of the semester if found in breach of this rule.

I agree to wear closed-toed sneakers. Dress shoes, slippers, sandals and bare feet are not permitted.

I agree to wear light-soled shoes. Dark and black soled shoes are not permitted in the gymnasium as they damage the gymnasium floor.

I will sign out gym equipment under my name and will provide my CNC student ID to sign out any gym equipment.

I'm responsible for the gym equipment that I sign-out and will not give equipment signed out under my name to other gym users.

I will report any damage to or loss of equipment to staff immediately.

I'm responsible for returning equipment in the same condition it was provided to me.

I agree to pay the fees required to replace damaged or lost equipment. Replacement fees will be based on current market rates and will be charged to my CNC account.

I will line up at the Recreation desk to sign-in and sign-out equipment and understand that I must wait my turn when returning equipment.

I understand that the CNC Recreation Team is here to ensure student safety and enjoyment of the gymnasium. As necessary, the Recreation Team may provide direction to gym users to ensure safety. I agree to follow direction provided by the Recreation Team (Recreation Assistants, Recreation Supervisor and Student Life and Housing Supervisor).

I agree to treat gym-users and the Recreation Team with dignity and respect. Harassment and disorderly behavior will not be tolerated.

I understand that lockers are day-use only and that the Recreation Team will remove locks from any lockers left overnight.

Items left in lockers are left at the gym user’s own risk. The College of New Caledonia is not responsible for missing items.

I understand that phone use is not permitted in the gymnasium at any time.

I agree to follow all safety and cleaning protocols in place while participating in any on campus activities held by The College.

I understand and agree to the Covid-19 Disclaimer for The College of New Caledonia

Weight Room Release


In consideration of the College of New Caledonia (hereinafter called “The College”) conducting and arranging or otherwise being responsible for recreational facilities and activities, in which I may participate or be involved in.

I hereby waive, release and hold free The College, its officers, employees or agents from any liability or claim of any nature that I, my successors or assigns, now or in the future, may have at any time against any of them arising in any matter whatsoever from or out of:

  1. My preparation for, participation in, or involvement with, recreational facilities and activities and anything or any event associated therewith.
  2. All personal injuries, property losses or damages, or other expenses that I may incur during, or arising from my participation or involvement in recreational facilities and activities.

I acknowledge and agree that recreational activities at The College can be dangerous, exposing participants to many risks and hazards, some of which are inherent in the very nature of the activity itself and others which result from human error and negligence on the part of person involved in the preparation or organization and staging of facilities, classes and other activities.  I, as a participant, acknowledge that there will be limited or no supervision in The College weight room and other facilities.  I may suffer serious personal injury that includes, but not limited to, specific risks such as heart attack, back injuries, injuries to limbs, muscles and joints, even death as well as property loss, nevertheless, I freely and voluntarily assume all the associated risks and hazards and my preparation for and participation in The College weight room, fitness classes, bouldering wall, and squash court shall be entirely at my own risk.  I am entirely responsible for my own physical fitness, including awareness and communication of any conditions that may impair my ability to participate safely.  I understand that neither The College nor any of its officers, employees or agents assume any responsibility whatsoever for my safety during the course of my preparation for or participation in recreational activities.

Weight Room Rules

  1. All new members must sign a waiver and receive a key card prior to using the gym.
  2. Key cards may not be shared, they are intended for the cardholder’s use of the gym. Sharing cards or allowing non-cardholders into the gym will result in loss of card privileges and deposit.
  3. Proper attire must be worn at all times for health and safety reasons.
  4. Shirts and athletic shoes are mandatory.
  5. Absolutely no photography permitted in the weight room.
  6. Any weight room related injury or equipment issues must be reported immediately.
  7. Equipment must be wiped down after use. Towels and cleaner are provided.
  8. Respect for equipment and the facility are to be demonstrated at all times.
  9. Do not drop the weights. If you can pick them up, you can place them down.

    10. Equipment is to be used for its intended purpose.

    11. Weight pins must not be removed from the weight room.

    12. Equipment must be returned to the proper racks when lifting is complete.

    13. Bars must have collars at all times.

    14. Spotters must be utilized when lifting heavy free weights.

    15. Follow appropriate weight room safety and etiquette practices, demonstrate
    courtesy to others at all times.

    16. Tobacco, food, gum, glass bottles, horseplay and offensive language are not
    permitted in the weight room.

    17. CNC is not responsible for the personal belongings of members that are lost or stolen.

    Failure to follow the rules, misuse of equipment, or breach of the CNC Student Conduct policy or any other college policy may result in loss of gym facility privileges or other disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate. It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize themselves with college policies.

Disclaimer for COVID-19


COVID-19 is a risk in the “new normal,” and sports, fitness classes, the weight room and other recreation areas in particular may be affected by this risk. I understand that this waiver/disclaimer applies to all online and virtual events and activities held by The College.  The College, its officers, employees or agents will not be liable for contraction of COVID-19 arising from participation in sport, fitness classes or use of recreation areas.

I have carefully read this RELEASE, WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK agreement. I fully understand the same and I am freely and voluntarily executing my participation and involvement. I agree that I will adhere to all related policies and procedures while participating in The College recreational facilities and activities.