Cue 101 - College and University Experience

Finding background information

The following titles can be used to investigate issues related to the student experience in College or University in Canada.

Specialized Encyclopedias and Websites - with a Canadian focus

Finding books and media

Click on the Discovery Search - Advanced Search on the CNC library webpage to find books, e-books, reports, journal articles or media on a selected topic.

How to find Reference books in the library on a topic

From the Discovery Search page

  1. Click on Advanced Search
  2. Type topic word in top search box, e.g. time and manag* [* symbol finds word endings, e.g. manage, managing or management]
  3. Also indicate if you would like Journal Articles or Catalogue material for books

Finding Journal or newspaper articles

Many online journals or journal article citations are available via these online journal indexes:

  • CNC Databases – Academic Search Complete, Canadian Reference Centre etc., Ebooks

If you wish to find a list of CNC Library held paper format or online fulltext journals, from the library's Homepage, click on Databases

Finding Statistics

Statistics can be collected by a variety of sources, including agencies. The best way to find good statistics is to go to Google Advanced. There you'll do a search that begins with or includes "Statscan" or "Statistics Canada" on the first line. This focuses the search on statistical material gathered by the Canadian government.

Seeking assistance

If you need any assistance with research, please approach the librarians at the Information Desk, or contact the Ask a Librarian link on the library’s web page. If you go to the Library Homepage you can also access AskAway during the semester to receive assistance during regular library times, as well as during the evenings, and on weekends.

Good luck! If you have comments or suggestions, email me at