Student Support & Advice

  • Learn the basics of Moodle – the learning platform used in your courses at CNC. Learn how to avoid plagiarism.

  • Use this simple flowchart to determine how to prepare your work to avoid plagiarism or academic misconduct when using words, ideas, or images from someone else.

  • By the end of this interactive course you will be able to explain which actions constitute appropriate academic behaviour and which are considered academic offences. You should also be able to explain why certain actions are academic offences are considered academic offenses.

  • Using proper citation style is usually a requirement for any written assignments and publications. Keeping track of your sources using the appropriate style will help save time and effort looking things up again later.

  • Be careful what you copy. The Canadian Copyright Act allows you to copy someone else’s work under these guidelines. You can make a single copy of a “short excerpt” from a copyright-protected work.

  • Instructors expect you to do your own work, acknowledge sources and avoid plagiarism. This information sheet explains what plagiarism is and what you can do to prevent it. The goal is for you to be successful in your studies.