Foundational Knowledge & Indigenous Perspectives  

Building an understanding of Indigenous histories, perspectives, and knowledge systems is essential for creating inclusive and respectful learning environments. This includes recognizing the impacts of colonization, integrating Indigenous content, and fostering relationships with local Indigenous communities to support meaningful engagement and reconciliation in education.  

CTL - Foundational Knowledge & Indigenous Perspectives

  • Indigenous Histories & the Impacts of Colonization

  • Land Acknowledgments & Regional Contexts

  • Indigenous Student Success & Institutional Initiatives

Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Being 

Indigenous ways of knowing and being emphasize interconnectedness, relational learning, and holistic approaches to education. These include integrating Indigenous knowledge systems, engaging in experiential and community-based learning, and respecting protocols for collaboration with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and community members. 

CTL - Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Being

  • Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge & Perspectives

  • Indigenous Teaching Approaches & Methodologies

  • Respecting Indigenous Protocols & Partnerships

Reconciliation & Systemic Change 

Reconciliation and systemic change involve actively dismantling colonial structures and supporting the healing process through education. This includes ongoing self-reflection, professional growth, and advocating for policies and practices that promote inclusion, address systemic barriers, and create equitable learning environments for Indigenous students. 

CTL - Reconciliation & Systemic Change

  • Culturally Inclusive Learning Spaces

  • Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

  • Professional Growth & Institutional Advocacy

Next Steps

Dig Deeper

Browse the Indigenization & Reconciliation Resources folder in SharePoint for in-depth materials on Indigenous histories, land acknowledgments, and culturally safe teaching approaches to deepen your understanding and enhance your teaching practices.


Request Help

Need tailored support? Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a CTL member to discuss how you can incorporate Indigenous perspectives and reconciliation principles into your curriculum, teaching methods, and classroom environment.
