Student Support & Advice

  • Bookkeeping 3
    Taking notes of what happens in class is necessary for two main reasons. Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, we take notes to help us remember the main points of the class. We use these notes to go back to when we are reviewing or studying. Secondly, we take notes to help us learn as we listen. This works because a good note-taker is focusing on fully understanding the concepts as he or she structures them on paper.

  • Quesnel Campus 9
    Textbooks are different from other forms of reading as their purpose is to inform and educate. Your instructor is expecting you to do more than just memorize facts from your textbook. You will need to understand the concepts.

  • Egg Timer at 0s
    If you find yourself struggling to finish assignments before the deadline or getting to exams wishing you had found the time to study more you are not alone. Many students struggle with managing time for their studies, and in today’s interconnected busy world it is no wonder.

  • While studying online gives you greater freedom to direct your study, the lack of physical classroom interaction can make it difficult to stay motivated. Below are some ways to help you remain engaged in your online course at CNC. Find what works for you and keep doing it!

  • Tourism PG 3
    Online study does not mean you are alone. In fact, you have the same supports that you would have if you were studying on-campus. Below are some of the online academic services available to you at CNC.

  • Student working on a Macbook sitting on a leather couch
    Online learning is a unique learning environment that gives you greater freedom to tailor where, when, and how you study. However, without preparation and self-discipline your online courses can become difficult and frustrating.