Beware of Scams that Target International Students

  • Privacy
  • Safety & Security
  • International

Please be aware of scams targeting international students and their families. Quick tips for staying safe:

  • Government agencies will never force you to stay on the phone or prohibit you from contacting friends/family or legal advice.
  • Only trust numbers you know.
  • Official government agencies will never use text or email to contact you.
  • You or your family will never be threatened by an official government agency.
  • Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada will never contact you to collect fees or fines and say it is to avoid deportation or consequences.
  • You will never be asked to make large cash withdrawals, purchase gift cards, Bitcoin or make a money transfer by an official agency.
  • If you are unsure of the caller’s identity, never give out any personal information.

If you think you have been a target of a scam, please reach out to a member of the CNC staff or the RCMP.

Important Contacts

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Toll Free: 1-888-495-8501

College of New Caledonia International Education
Phone: 250-561-5857