Why Choose CNC?

 Workforce Driven

We offer over 80 programs that are relevant to the workforce of today and the future.

 Quality Education

Our promise of quality education is delivered by experienced faculty, and our commitment to student support is upheld by every college employee.

 Community & Belonging

Small class sizes not only allow for one-on-one attention from instructors, but also foster a caring student support network.

 Employer Approved

Boasting over 100,000 CNC alumni, our qualified and connected graduates are consistently sought after by employers. Students graduate career ready.


1 Million+
Job Openings
expected in BC in the next 10 years which will require a post-secondary education according to Work BC.
Graduates Employed
within 6 months of graduating according to BC Student Outcomes.
said their program prepared them well for furthering their education.

Step 2 Let us help you

CNC's student services can help you plan for your Post-Secondary education.

Step 4Plan for life at CNC

View the services at CNC that will help you navigate student life.


Connect with us

Our knowledgeable Future Student Advisors can help you find the right program and assist you through the application process.

Meet the Team


Daniel Ramcharran

Future Student Services Manager

Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Future Student Advisor


Miranda Cummings

Administrative Assistant


Kirstin Plumridge

Future Student Advisor


Tanya Dunning

Aboriginal Future Student Advisor

Courtney Unger

Courtney Unger

Future Student Advisor

Campus Tours

Come see for yourself by booking a campus tour. Here, you will have the chance to ask questions, check out classrooms and facilities, and discover the services that will be available to you as a valued CNC student.

Student for a Day

We believe in the importance of carefully selecting the right program for you. Student for a day allows you to try it out in advance! Sign up today so that you can know for sure that it’s the right fit.

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What our Alumni Say

  • Luke Friesen crop

    There aren’t many jobs where you can be outdoors 90 percent of your time and see different places. I’ve gotten to experience some absolutely beautiful places in B.C. that most people wouldn’t even consider going to because they are that remote, or just areas that aren’t on the general horizon of the public. I work with a helicopter quite a bit, and that’s awesome. You can’t beat that.

    Luke Friesen

    Natural Resources and Forest Technology Graduate
  • Wearing your button blanket with pride

    CNC was the last place I thought I would begin to discover my cultural roots. I learned to embrace who I am and incorporate that into every ounce of my being. Whether it’s parenting, studying or working, I learned the importance of Indigenizing my process.

    Carrie Davis

    Graduate of CNC’s Social Service Workers University Transfer Diploma

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Or Contact us Directly

E: futurestudent@cnc.bc.ca
Tel: +1 250-561-5855

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Featured ProgramsExplore Opportunities

Automotive Collision and Refinishing Foundation

May 28, 2021, 15:31 PM
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In the Automotive Collision and Refinishing Foundation program, students will learn the skills to perform safety related functions, use tools and equipment, use welding equipment, organize work and use documentation, use communication and mentoring techniques, remove and install vehicle components, prepare surfaces, use repair materials and equipment, apply refinishing materials, remove repair and install metal panels and components, remove repair and install plastic and composite panels and components, and detail exterior.


Begin your career as an Automotive Collision and Refinishing Technician! Upon completion of this program, you will have the knowledge skills and abilities to repair, adjust, and replace sheet metal and allied parts of automobiles, trucks, and buses. Upon successful completion of the foundation program, students will receive a certificate.


Upon graduation, you’ll have a Level One technical training credit and 625 work-based credit hours toward the completion of the Automotive Collision and Refinishing Technician apprenticeship program. As an Automotive Collision and Refinishing Technician, you will be highly employable in many accredited autobody shops.

What you will learn

In this program, you will work in a supervised environment and perform hands-on basic auto-collision repairs. You will be given the tools and resources to utilize proper safety techniques, correct terminology, and a variety of vehicle repair methods which are industry standard within in the auto-collision industry:

  • Preparing estimate reports
  • Removing dents from sheet metal
  • Removing damaged fenders, panels and grills
  • Straightening bent frames
  • Repairing and replacing doors
  • Repairing and replacing main body components and interior components
  • Properly preparing repaired parts for filing, grinding, sanding, and painting

Training dates & how to apply

For up-to-date technical training dates at CNC visit the  Trades Training BC website.

To apply for any level of technical training at CNC visit EducationPlannerBC.

Governing bodies

Provincial apprenticeship programs

An apprenticeship is a formal written agreement between an employer, an employee and SkilledTradesBC (STBC). Typically, 80–85% of an apprenticeship is work-based training; the rest is technical training in the classroom/shop.

Most apprenticeships take four years. To earn a certificate or ticket, apprentices must complete both work-based training and technical training, including examinations. After working as apprentices for the period specified by SkilledTradesBC, graduates can write the Interprovincial Red Seal Examination.

Graduates of the Automotive Collision and Refinishing Technician Foundation program (Entry Level Trades Training) at CNC receive an SkilledTradesBC Certification of Completion and credit for level one technical training of their apprenticeship. Apprentices and employers must register apprenticeships with SkilledTradesBC. For application forms or more information, visit skilledtradesbc.ca or call 1-866-660-6011.

Note: For up-to-date information on dates for all apprenticeship training at CNC, visit  tradestrainingbc.ca

High School Students

You can begin this program while you're still in high school!


Entry Requirements

  • English Language Arts 10 (minimum “C”) or equivalent 
  • Workplace Mathematics 10 (minimum “C”) or equivalent

Limited admission

If there is room in the program, you will be accepted once you have met all the admission requirements. This is called “first qualified, first accepted.” If you qualify after the program is full, you will be put on a wait list.

Invest in your future

  • Tuition: $4,283.64
  • Student fees: $807
  • Medical/Dental Fee (Fall semester only): $260
  • Materials Fee: $405.36

These costs are an estimate and do not include books. Student fees vary by campus. Check the fee schedule for more details.

Books for this program can be purchased from the bookstore.

Paying for college

We're here to help. You can apply for scholarships and bursaries through CNC. We can also help you find loans and other funding. Visit Financial aid to find out how. 

Salaries and employment

Looking for a job? Check the student employment opportunities or  trades training job board.

Locations & Dates

CNC programs have varying lengths and start dates to meet your needs, and are offered across multiple campuses where possible. Don’t see the campus you’re looking for? Check back with us soon as this page is updated throughout the school year.

Program Length of Study:
  • 1 year
Program Type:
  • Full Time
Program Status:
  • Running
  • Foundation Program
Area of study:
  • Trades and Industry

Autobody student working on body-work

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Related program offerings

High School Students

Dual Credit

Dual Credit is a program that allows students who are nominated by a school representative and parent/guardian to take up to three CNC courses in their grade 12 year (one course per semester that overlaps in their senior year).

Earn elective credits toward high school graduation as well as first-year post-secondary credit towards a degree. Tuition is funded by the BC Ministry of Education and the student fees are waived. Students must pay for their textbooks and any additional course costs.

Dual Credit

Career Technical Centre (CTC) Programs

Jumpstart your post-secondary education with the Career Technical Centre. The Career Technical Centre (CTC) program allows students to graduate from high school with their first year of technical training already completed.

Career Technical Centre

Explore Our Campuses