Wellness Coaching 

Balancing school with all of life’s responsibilities and maintaining your wellness can be challenging. We have the resources to help you work towards your academic and personal goals. 

Our Wellness Coaches are here to help one on one with stress management and coping skills, time management, self-care, goal setting and planning, and connecting you to other campus and community resources. Wellness Coaches can also provide a referral to counselling services on campus. 

Contact a Wellness Coach

Visit Student Services or email wellnesscoach@cnc.bc.ca



Counselling services address a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, grief, addiction, stress, gender, sexuality, relationships, and other mental health needs. 


Your privacy matters 

We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality in counseling and wellness coaching. Our services are completely confidential, ensuring that your personal information and discussions remain private. Whether you're seeking support for mental health concerns, stress management, lifestyle changes, or personal development, you can trust that your sessions are confidential, and your privacy is protected. 


In addition to our resources on campus, you can also access support through Here2Talk. Here2Talk is a free, confidential resource available to all post-secondary students in BC. You can access confidential support via the 24-hour telephone line or use the Here2Talk app or website to access a counsellor through text-based chat. 

Self-help resources

  • Quesnel Campus 9
    Textbooks are different from other forms of reading as their purpose is to inform and educate. Your instructor is expecting you to do more than just memorize facts from your textbook. You will need to understand the concepts.

  • Egg Timer at 0s
    If you find yourself struggling to finish assignments before the deadline or getting to exams wishing you had found the time to study more you are not alone. Many students struggle with managing time for their studies, and in today’s interconnected busy world it is no wonder.

  • While studying online gives you greater freedom to direct your study, the lack of physical classroom interaction can make it difficult to stay motivated. Below are some ways to help you remain engaged in your online course at CNC. Find what works for you and keep doing it!

  • Tourism PG 3
    Online study does not mean you are alone. In fact, you have the same supports that you would have if you were studying on-campus. Below are some of the online academic services available to you at CNC.

  • Many online courses require students to participate on online discussion boards. An online discussion board is a place for back and forth conversations between students on topics set by the instructor. Just as students in a classroom are expected to behave appropriately when engaging in class conversations, students participating on discussion boards are expected to behave respectfully.