National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

    • All Campuses
  • December 6, 2023
A message from Cindy Heitman, President and CEO.
Prince George Campus East Entrance Windows

Bundada hoonzoo – good morning.

Today, we mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Last Wednesday, I was honoured to speak at an early commemoration with partners from UNBC. We remembered the 14 women who were murdered in their mechanical engineering class at the École Polytechnique de Montréal on December 6th, 1989.

I ask you to join me to pause, remember those who died, and consider our individual and collective roles in ending gender-based violence.

As I told participants last week, I believe deeply in the power of education to improve lives and create bright, positive futures. It pains me deeply that the women died in pursuit of learning and finding their paths.

Action and prevention are vital to ending gender-based violence. We work to prevent gender-based violence at places like CNC by promoting healthy relationships, teaching consent, and fostering a culture of respect. We act on gender-based violence by challenging stereotypes, confronting prejudice, and dismantling the structures that enable inequality. We create a world and community to empower women, girls, and their allies.

It is difficult to accept that 34 years after the Montreal Massacre, we must continue to work to end gender-based violence. I remain dedicated to that effort. I encourage everyone in the CNC community to consider your individual and collective roles in a positive, more caring world.

Today, please pause and reflect on the 14 women who died on December 6th, 1989, in Montréal. They are:


  • Geneviève Bergeron
  • Hélène Colgan
  • Nathalie Croteau
  • Barbara Daigneault
  • Anne-Marie Edward
  • Maud Haviernick
  • Maryse Laganière
  • Maryse Leclair
  • Anne-Marie Lemay
  • Sonia Pelletier
  • Michèle Richard
  • Annie St-Arneault
  • Annie Turcotte
  • Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

Bunats'utilnih - we will remember them.

Mussi cho - thank you.


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