Big changes are coming to our transit shelters

    • Prince George
  • September 14, 2023
Existing transit shelters on the CNC  either side of Nicholson St.

Buckle up for a thrilling overhaul of your daily commute! Our transit shelter project is well underway, and we're eager to unveil what's in store for you.

What’s coming?

  • Emergency call button / phone will be available
  • Bright LED lighting
  • Bigger concrete pads
  • New and fresh look

Map: temporary transit shelters will include a temporary bus stop near the crosswalk to campus housing. One shelter by campus housing, one shelter beside the existing transit shelter outside the gym on Nicholson St.

Temporary Bus Stop / Transit Shelter Locations

Parking lot side (Bus 47/88) bus stop and transit shelter:

  • Will move south of the current shelter (closer to the student housing block)

School side (Bus 46/89) bus stop and transit shelter:

  • Will move south of the current shelter (closer to the outdoor sport court)

Project Timeline:

  • September 22: Relocation of existing transit shelters to their temporary new location
  • Late November: Project completed and ready to serve you better.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we progress with this project. Your upgraded commute experience is just around the corner!

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