CNC will improve the exterior main entrance of its Prince George Campus through a renewal and reconstruction project through the late summer and fall.
Starting on Monday August 14th, access to the main campus will be via the west entrance located between the dental building and the gym. That entrance includes a door actuator for people with accessibility needs. It is also close to the College’s transit shelters.
A key reason for the construction project is to replace brick and concrete work at the main entrance. Over time, brick and concrete sections have settled. Freeze-thaw cycles create large ponds of water and ice, which can be slipping hazards for pedestrians if not maintained. CNC has worked diligently to keep the entrance area safe.
The approximately $1.1 million project will see the following work:
- Replacement of the concrete and brick in front of the main entrance to address the water ponding issue for the long term;
- Removal of the large concrete arches outside the main entrance;
- Installation of new flower beds and vegetation between the entrance and amphitheater; and
- Widening of the sidewalk alongside the short-term parking spots.
Large signs will help guide students, staff, and visitors around the construction site to alternate entrances and exits. CNC will also include information at its website and on the College’s social media accounts.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Christine Midgley, Content and Media Relations Officer