“CNC Hospital” helps sonography students step into realistic care

    • Prince George
  • November 24, 2022
Sonography Students using lift to move a patient

A simulation in a mock hospital helped put CNC diagnostic medical sonography students through their paces as they train to provide high quality care.

The Interdisciplinary Health Science Simulation Challenge in early November set up a practice hospital at CNC’s Prince George Campus. The goal was to introduce students to the experiences they’d face in a hospital setting, incorporating representatives from the nursing discipline along with community volunteers.

“Volunteers received scripts, patient gowns, IV poles, wheelchairs, neck braces, and simulated wounds to make the simulation realistic,” said Tanya Barrett, a clinical mentor instructor in CNC’s school of health sciences.”

Students practiced:

  • infection control requirements such as putting on taking off personal protective equipment;
  • safe patient handling using equipment such as wheelchairs, stretchers, lifts;
  • obtaining vital signs related to “real” patient signs and symptoms; and
  • communication with mock patients, families, and hospital staff.

Students in groups of four worked together to move patients from a mock hospital unit to a medical imaging room for examination. They helped to transfer andmobilize patients, perform vitals signs if the patient needed them, work around IV lines, catheters, oxygen tubing, elevators, and stairs.

Thank you to the students, staff, and volunteers who helped bring this scenario to life.

CNC’s school of health sciences offers a range of education and career options covering nursing, medical imaging and laboratory, and dental care to name a few. Find out more about our programs.

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