Counselling services 

We recognize that your emotional and mental wellbeing is key to your success. Our seasoned professionals are here to support you. Counselling services are available to help students address various concerns, including anxiety and depression management, grief and loss, transition support, addiction recovery, school and life stressors, gender and sexuality considerations, relationship difficulties, and other mental health concerns. 

Book an Appointment 

Book a session with a counsellor. You don’t need to be in a bad place to talk to a counsellor. It’s helpful for anyone at any stage in life. 

Your privacy matters 

We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality in counseling and wellness coaching. Our services are completely confidential, ensuring that your personal information and discussions remain private. Whether you're seeking support for mental health concerns, stress management, lifestyle changes, or personal development, you can trust that your sessions are confidential, and your privacy is protected. 


In addition to our resources on campus, you can also access support through Here2Talk. Here2Talk is a free, confidential resource available to all post-secondary students in BC. You can access confidential support via the 24-hour telephone line or use the Here2Talk app or website to access a counsellor through text-based chat. 

Self-help resources 

Blog Details

Safety Radar: Winter Weather

by Lakeysha (oneilll3) | Nov 10, 2023

Winter Hazards

  • Whenever temperatures drop dramatically below normal, staying warm and safe can become challenging… especially for those who may be new to the region and not used to changing weather.
  • Winter weather conditions in Northern BC can quickly become dangerous with little or no warning.
  • Frost bite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues when exposed to cold temperatures.
  • A normal body temperature is approximately 37ºC. When your core body temperature drops by 1 or 2ºC or your body is exposed to severe cold, your risk of harmful effects increases.

Taking Preventative Action

  • Ensure to dress warmly when you go outside during cold weather.
  • Wear layers of clothing with a wind-resistant outer layer.
  • You can remove layers if you get too warm before you start sweating or add a layer if you get cold.
  • Wear warm socks, gloves, hat and scarf.
  • Please buy foot wear that’s best suited to ice and snow.
  • In extremely cold conditions, cover as much exposed skin as possible.
  • If you get wet, change into dry clothing right away; you lose heat faster when you are wet.
  • Check the Environment and Climate Change Canada weather forecast before you go outside.

Watch for wind chill or extremely cold temperatures and stay indoors if you can. 


Have Questions?

Contact Safety & Security Services