Perfecting the art of metalworking at CNC

    • March 5, 2019
    20181121 Keaton Goulet 009

    “If you want to do something in life that makes you happy, whatever it is, do it. If you’re passionate about something, follow through with it, so you like your job at the end of the day and you’re happy.”

    These are the inspiring words of CNC trades student Keaton Goulet. And what makes Goulet happy is making things out of metal.

    Goulet, 27, was born and raised in Prince George, where his grandfather owned a fencing company. Goulet’s father worked for the company and eventually Goulet did too, learning how to weld on the job site at a young age.

    Eventually, Goulet aspired to make more than fences. He completed the College of New Caledonia’s Welding Foundation program in Prince George and became a journeyman welder in 2017.

    “Going to school helped me perfect the craft,” Goulet said. “I got the privilege of working with three different instructors all in the same year. This was really beneficial because each has their own teaching style and different ways of doing things, which gave me more knowledge.”

    After graduating from the welding program, Goulet got a job at a local company where he got to do metal fabrication as well – and he really liked it.

    “It’s all about math, using methods and formulas, then laying things out and using the machines to piece your project together,” he said.

    Now Goulet is back at CNC, this time in the Metal Fabrication program. Next year, he will be a Journeyman Metal Fabricator.

    Goulet praises the instruction he has received in all the courses he has taken.

    “The College is a very good place. It’s the place to go. Instructors there actually care. If you need a little extra help, they are happy and willing to give it to you.”

    Once he’s finished the Metal Fabrication program, Goulet plans to work with another local company, doing welding and metal fabrication. He also plans to get more industry tickets, for example, pipefitting and pressure tickets.

    Goulet wants to gain as much experience as possible because he’d like to work for himself one day. He already has his own shop at home, called Onsight Fabrication, and is doing small projects on the side.

    “If you’re passionate about something, keep at it,” he said. “You’ve got to pursue your goals.”

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