Paying for College

How to pay fees 

A quick guide on how to pay your student fees online through CNC Connect and PayMyTuition. 


Financial Support Options 

Payment Plans & Deferrals 

If you can’t pay your tuition fees up front, CNC offers payment plans to help you pay in smaller installments. 

Awards & Grants 

Unlike loans, these awards do not need to be repaid. You just need your CNC Connect username and password to apply. 

Emergency Aid 

CNC Emergency Financial Assistance may be available to eligible applicants to address short-term, unplanned, and unexpected financial hardship. 


Find out if you are eligible for student loans. Receive assistance with your loan applications. Get information about fund disbursement, repayment and how to maintain an interest-free loan status. 

Staying Motivated While Studying Online

While studying online gives you greater freedom to direct your study, the lack of physical classroom interaction can make it difficult to stay motivated. Below are some ways to help you remain engaged in your online course at CNC. Find what works for you and keep doing it!
  • Online Learning
  • Testing and Tutoring Services
  • Studying
  • Mental Health

While studying online gives you greater freedom to direct your study, the lack of physical classroom interaction can make it difficult to stay motivated. Below are some ways to help you remain engaged in your online course at CNC. Find what works for you and keep doing it!

Take control of your educational destiny

You are responsible for what you do in a course. Don’t look for excuses to procrastinate, or others to blame for your shortcomings. Don’t wait until the last minute to start your assignments or to ask for help. When writing assignments, ask yourself, “Is this my best work here?”, and give an honest answer.

Be confident, you can do this! Practicing positive self-talk is a good way to maintain confidence in yourself. Find an inspirational sentence to repeat to yourself. For example, say to yourself, “I can do this because I know if I work hard I can meet any challenge I put in front of myself”.

Treat your online course as if it were a regular in-class course

Keep a routine as close to what you would if you were physically attending college. If you are not in the mood to study, lounging about in your pajamas is not going to help. Wake up at the same time every day, take a shower, get dressed, and have a good breakfast in the morning just as you would if you were going into CNC – Keep to a schedule.

Focus on your goals

Focus on your goals by reminding yourself what you want to achieve in the courses you are taking, why you are at CNC, and what will you do once you gain your degree. You can do this by writing down your reasons for studying and putting them where you will read them often. By visualizing the outcome you want, you are more likely to take the necessary steps to get it.

Make your social networks work for you

Your social networks can provide a useful tool in keeping yourself motivated and letting others know when you are too busy to electronically socialize. Tell your friends and family about the assignment you are working on. Let them know when you have finished an assignment. You may receive the encouragement to keep yourself focused, or gain a well-deserved sense of pride when someone acknowledges your efforts. However, turn off your social media and other distractions during your scheduled study time. Don’t be gripped by the ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO) on the latest happenings in your social circle. Study with your phone off or in ‘airplane mode’. Downloading a plug-in for your computer, such as AppBlock or StopProcrastinating, will prevent you from straying away from your coursework tasks.

Remember your social media will be there waiting for you when you finish studying for the day.

You are not alone. Build bridges to your online learning community

Step out of your comfort zone to communicate with other students in your online class. Take advantage of the online forums and discussion groups on Moodle. These forums “break the ice” in cultivating ways to build bridges and open channels of communication with your classmates. Exchange e-mails with other online classmates, if possible. Openly talk to friends and family about the material you are studying; share your learning stories. Communicate regularly with the course instructor. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and discuss the course material.