Feedback on Accessibility

Collection Notice:

All the questions in this form are optional. You can share as much or as little as you want.

The Accessibility Committee administrators (CNC employees) will read the information you provide. We may share some of this information with other employees of the college and/or accessibility committees to help them address the barrier(s). We will make every effort to protect your identity by removing names, but we can't guarantee total anonymity.

We are collecting your personal information to help us identify barriers to CNC facilities and services. Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act permits this collection.

Do you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your information? Please contact the Accessibility Directorate at:

Tell us about the barrier

Does your barrier or recommendation relate to any of the following?

Where did you encounter the barrier?

(Optional) Contact Information

We may have some questions about your feedback. Please include your contact information if you'd like to provide consent for us to reach out to you for further information.