Winter Safety

As temperatures drop and snow flies, the number of injuries due to slips, trips, and falls increases significantly. People can suffer bruises, abrasions, broken limbs, serious back and/or head injuries, often resulting in a visit to the hospital.  In the past year, there had been four serious injuries reported at CNC that required medical attention due to someone slipping on snow/ice and falling.

 Preventative Actions
  • CNC Facilities is committed to ensuring campus grounds are well maintained to provide the safest walking conditions possible.
  • To help raise our mindfulness when walking outside CNC will be implementing a number of fun initiatives as part of a “Walk Safe this winter” awareness campaign.
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  • Part of the campaign will be for all of us learn how to “Walk Like a Penguin” so we can stay up on our feet:
    • Walk slowly and flat footed
    • Take small steps
    • Keep your arms at your sides (not in pockets)
    • Keep your head up and don’t lean forward
    • Point your toes out slightly to be more stable on icy paths.
  • We all need to commit to remember a number of very simple things we all can do to avoid injury:
    • Walk in designated walkways and clear paths – don’t take shortcuts through uncleared areas
    • Avoid distracted walking – focus on walking. Be mindful of looking at your cell phone or carrying more than you can handle safely.
    • Wear a pair & bring a spare - Wear appropriate winter foot wear with slip- resistant soles and change into indoor footwear.
    • If you see an uncleared area or ice patch – Call facilities or security.
  • Let’s look out for each other by challenging ourselves to stay on our feet this winter by being prepared – let’s outsmart the hazard!