Using RFID Tags to Track Tree Nursery Assets

    • All Campuses
  • December 22, 2023
This research aims to test the feasibility of tracking tree nursery assets using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. By monitoring assets, the research team will gain insights about the potential to integrate RFID tracking to optimize seedling management and transport.
Spruce - balsam canopy

Project Timeline

November 2023 - May 2024

Download the results

Funding From

Ministry of Forests

BC Ministry of Forests
CNC Research Forest Society 

Project Summary

Tree nurseries must grow, process and ship millions of seedlings every year. Managing the logistics of seedling transport is complex and affects the whole chain, including contractors in charge of planting. Common problems include missing pallets or cartons, inefficiencies in transport, poor environmental conditions inside the cartons, idle times at cold storage, planting camps, and discrepancies in inventory. 

The use of RFID technology to track inventory is widespread in multiple sectors, especially healthcare and agriculture, but has not been commercially adopted by forest nursery operations. This pilot study will provide proof of concept for possible adoption of RFID tracking in forest nursery operations, potentially resulting in innovation across the sector. 

Project Team:

Dr. Pablo Crespell

Greg Rose - Instructor, CNC NRFT Program

Greg is passionate about student engagement and is involved in many initiatives outside of instructing in the NRFT program. These include being Vice Chair of the Northern Silviculture Committee, Vice Chair of the Willow River Demonstration Forest Society, and volunteering for Forest Professionals BC. Greg has been instructing at CNC for 7 years.   


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