November is dedicated to de-stigmatizing mental health, suicide and to take on prostate and testicular cancer. Join us in starting conversations for men’s health through these initiatives:
1) Grow a Mo:
Growing a “mo”(moustache) shows the world that you stand for healthier men and a healthier world. Join us on November 28th for the great “shave-down.” There are prizes to be won for the best “mo”.
2) Move for Mental Health:
Movement is how we honor the 60 men lost to suicide globally every hour. To take part, all you do is run or walk 60km. Cover the distance in one go or over the course of the month. There are prizes to be won for participation.
3) Mo your Own Way:
There are many ways to support men’s health. That’s why we have a Mo your Own Way. Climb a mountain, break a personal best or quit social media for a month for men’s health. Do it your own way and you won’t go wrong.
Interested in joining one of these important challenges?
Please register with Wellness Promotions Coordinator, Sharon Ogasawara at using the form below.
Register for a Challenge