National Indigenous Peoples Day: What inspires you?

    • All Campuses
  • June 21, 2023
Indigenous painted drum in the Aboriginal Resource Centre

As CNC celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day, we asked staff to reflect on what inspires them most.

This is what they had to share:

On National Indigenous Peoples Day, I’m inspired by the increasing amount of active interest in the Indigenous culture. I hope that moving forward, future generations continue to show interest in our culture and our history.

Stephanie Jack (Cree-Métis)

Aboriginal Student Navigator at CNC Prince George Campus' Aboriginal Resource Centre (ARC)

I’m inspired by the importance of the day itself. National Indigenous Peoples Day is an opportunity to embrace all cultures, traditions, and history of Indigenous and Métis people across the nation. It’s key that we collectively remain committed within our individual roles by promoting and providing awareness of Indigenous cultures as we strive to move forward in our learning journey towards Truth and Reconciliation.

Tansy Benedict (Métis-Cree)

Aboriginal Advisor/Wellness Coach at CNC Burns Lake Campus

As Canada marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, what inspires me most is Indigenous people! The colonial destruction of Indigenous people that we have seen with Residential Schools, the Indian Act, and the Sixties Scoop is heartbreaking and should never have happened. Today, we’re dealing with the inter-generational trauma of what was done and we will continue to see this over the next few generations of Indigenous people. Despite all of that, we are still here!  We are strong and resilient!

Andrea Morrison (Cree)

Aboriginal Advisor/Liaison at CNC Mackenzie Campus

All four of my Indigenous children inspire me! I birthed, adopted, and loved each one of them into my heart. Their individual Indigenous identities are filled with strength and courage as they lost their language, lands, and family through colonization. As a proud Métis-Cree with roots in Treaty 6, specifically Duck Lake and Batoche, I understand the need for a sense of belonging. This necessitates me to be an activist for true Indigenous identity in academia and the arts. I work to create culturally safe spaces, hoping my children will take their place within them.

Lori Gagnon (Métis-Cree)

Aboriginal Advisor/Liaison at CNC Quesnel Campus

Help us develop our Indigenous Education Plan

CNC is asking for your thoughts as we begin developing the new Indigenous Education Plan. Please complete the initial survey. The survey will be available until Friday June 30th. Please share the survey with colleagues and friends.

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