CNC business student learns leadership skills

    • Prince George
  • March 5, 2019
20181203 Brett 026

Brett Palmer is only 24 years old, but he’s already on an impressive career path thanks to CNC.

Brett grew up in Stewart, BC, a remote northern town of about 500 people. He graduated from high school with a scholarship to UNBC when he was only 17. He moved to Prince George to start university with plans to become a civil engineer.

The scholarship covered his tuition as long as he kept his grades up but unfortunately, he didn’t.

“I was really young at the time,” he said. “I enjoyed school but wasn’t focused.”

Not wanting to pay for school unless he knew exactly what he wanted to do, Brett returned to Stewart to work and save money.

In January 2015, he moved back to Prince George, this time, to study business management at CNC and become a financial advisor.

“I really enjoyed business classes and I’ve always been good with money,” he said. “I did a bunch of research and CNC seemed to be more what I was looking for. It’s really hands-on and the courses teach applied skills that are useful in real, day-to-day life. In one class, I was actually taught how to shake hands properly. It was really cool.”

Leadership 101 was a mandatory course for the diploma at that time. Brett admits he was on the fence about the course, unsure about what he’d learn. But he soon looked forward to every class.

One of the first things Brett’s instructor said to him was that, at the very least, the class was going to have a profound effect on their lives.

“He wasn’t lying,” Brett said. “It’s not just about leading a team. A big part is learning your potential and who you are. I had never really focused internally before.”

Brett chose Leadership to be the concentration for his diploma. While he left the program early to take his current position as a financial advisor at CIBC, he said the education and personal growth he gained at CNC got him where he is today.

Brett has three courses left in his Diploma and plans to finish them soon. Inspired by the idea of helping others realize their potential and “building them up”, just like his CNC Leadership instructor, Brett has bigger plans too. After completing his Business Management Diploma, he wants to get his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and teach at CNC.

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