Thank you to the many employees of Dunkley Lumber Ltd, who were instrumental in initiating and supporting the forest stewardship, educational and research goals of the CNC Research Forest. Since 2009, Dunkley Lumber has provided reliable and trusted professional support, as well as operational expertise and guidance. CNC looks forward to many more years of positive collaboration with Dunkley Lumber employees and contractors.
The initiation of the CNC Research Forest is the result of a coalition of partners led by the British Columbia Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and the forest industry presented by the Council of Forest Industries. The founding partners include the British Columbia Forest Professionals, Canadian Forest Products Ltd., the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Central Interior Logging Association, Council on Northern Interior Forest Employment Relations, the Consulting Foresters of British Columbia, the Prince George Truckers Association, Spectrum Resources Group and the University of Northern British Columbia.